Jody Lynn Day

Marriage & Family Therapist

Integrative Health Practitioner

Psychology Professor

Each of us were blessed with a body so incredible, individual, and wonderfully made. We were given our bodies for one purpose. So that we may experience the greatest gift of all, life.

As we look around the world today, ailments, illness and disease are growing at a rapid rate. Breaking families, destroying individuals, and stealing the gift of life.

The goal at the practice of Jody Lynn Day, is to assist you with identifying the root cause of your physical, mental, and emotional pains and struggles. To provide health and wellness guidance and assist with helping you feel and be your best.

Together we will work at rebalancing your body through healthy diet, healthy lifestyle shifts, supplementation, labs and psychoeducation.

We will explore weight management, balancing hormones and mood stabilization. You have the power to take control and change the direction of your mental and physical health. DNA does not predict your future, your choices do!

Today I stand before you with an auto immune disease completely under control by my choices! My health does not control me nor will dictate my future and I want the same healthy, fulfilling and happy life for you.

Together We Stand!

My Goal

  • Rebuild You

  • Rebuild Relationships

  • Rebuild The Family