My Story

Thirty years ago, my mom was diagnosed with an auto immune disease.

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease.

When sickness came knocking at my door, I broke.

When sickness came to my son’s door, I fell to my knees.

Today, my son is walking in my footsteps, and I refuse to allow a diagnosis to enter into his life story.

Generational patterns are something we cannot deny that exists. The positive news is that we have the power to change these mental, emotional and behavioral patterns. In addition, we also have the power to change our genetic DNA patterns pertaining to our health. It all starts with the choices we make each and every day.

This specific thought began my journey towards taking my body back. No longer allowing a disease to keep me hostage.

Through the past several years, I have actively dedicated my life towards understand my body, gaining health insight, and immersing myself in education all for one goal. Healing myself from the inside out so that I can be the individual, the wife and the mom in which I was created to be.

Today I stand before you with an autoimmune disease that is no longer controlling me. The knowledge in which I have gathered over the years has assisted me with redirecting these generational patters and improving my health dramatically. The choices in which I have made has also redirected my son’s health to where he is thriving and holding no diagnosis in his story.

My passion is to guide and teach others how to redirect their health, end generational patterns and live a fruitful and joyful life free of pain and sickness.

My name is Jody Lynn Day. I am a Marriage and Family Therapist and an Integrative Health Practitioner. I am a wife to ONE, a mom to FOUR and a therapist-health practitioner to MANY.

I AM BLESSED and I would LOVE for you to join me!