Supplement Favorites

  • Zinc

    We utilize Zinc daily in our family. Zinc is like the national guard of our immune system. It helps boost our immune system and promote general wellness. Zinc decreases risk of intestinal inflammation and can also help mitigate oxidative stress which is a process that damages cells and healthy tissues. This process can lead to chronic health issues.

  • Melatonin

    Melatonin assists with healthy sleep cycles. It also is one of the most powerful anti-cancer antioxidants! Melatonin also has an anti-inflammatory compound. My family utilizes melatonin at nighttime to promote all these healthy supports.

  • Vitamin D + K2

    My family loves this one. It is not a pill but just two little drops a day under the tongue and, it has no taste. Vitamin D + K2 supports bone, muscle, cardiovascular health and immune system. If you don’t have a tan, you're not getting enough of this Vitamin D from the sun.

  • Magnesium

    This mineral is so powerful that we would not be able to live without it. Different forms of magnesium can support, overall health, energy, heart health, digestion, muscle relaxation, promotes sleep and even reduces hot flashes.

  • Vitamin C

    You do not make Vitamin C in your body which means, you must get it in other ways and take it every day. Vitamin C is essential in immune health. It helps reduce risk of inflammation and disease. My family takes this daily. It is a liquid form and tastes nice and sweet.

  • Omega 3

    This is a must! We take Omega 3 daily! It supports a healthy inflammatory response, supports healthy cells, healthy brain function and healthy kidneys.

Heath Care Products

  • Castor Oil Compress

    Castor oil packing is a wonderful addition to improving health. It can assist with boosting immune system and stimulate the lymphatic system which helps drain toxins within our body. Castor oil can help improve join pain, menstrual cycle pain, PMS symptoms, decrease constipation and improve liver function.

    I utilize this product 4 times a week and have notice many benefits, especially with managing endometriosis and the physical, mental and emotional pains that brings.

  • Castor Oil For Compress

    Castor Oil is amazing for detox and other health benefits. I utilize this oil 4 times a week with the Castor Oil Compress to help detox my liver, stimulate my lymphatic system and most of all, to decrease PMS symptoms. This has been a game changer in my life.

  • Dry Brush

    Dry brushing is amazing helping our body naturally detox. We are exposed to toxins each and every day through the air we break, the environments we live in, foods we eat and even water we drink. A buildup of toxins can lead to health issues including anxiety, depression, cancer, autoimmune disease and more. Utilizing a dry brush in a simple way to move our lymphatic system in order to expel toxins in our body. Prior to your shower, brush each part of your body in a direction leading towards your heart. I start at my ankles are work my way up. Then step into your shower and enjoy a relaxing shower to start or end your day.

  • Epson Salt Bath

    Epson salt baths are great for detox, sooth aches and pains and assist with over all health.

  • Salt Inhaler

    This has been a huge game changer. Myself and my son have struggled with asthma especially when sick. This past year, we have utilized this salt inhaler when we have noticed a cough come on. This was our first year that neither of us have ended up using a medication inhaler, breathing treatments, steroids or anything to help manage our coughs and asthma. This salt inhaler has truly benefited the health of my family.

  • Attitude

    This line has been a complete game changer for my family. We have removed all toxic body and home products with this brand. Our self-care products consist of 100s of toxins in which our skin and lungs absorbs right into our body. We utilize this brand for hand soap, body wash, laundry detergent, toothpaste (WHICH IS AMAZING AND WHITTENS), shampoo, conditioner, facewash and antiaging. This brand is a MUST.

Essential Oil Favorites

  • Peppermint

    This oil is a frequent go to for our family. Just a couple drops on the tummy and it decreases tummy aches, nausea, heart burn and other digestive issues. This also holds a wonderful smell which is perfect in a diffuser as a natural air freshener.

  • Lavender

    My family utilizes this essential oil in several ways. We roll it on our neck to help manage ADHD symptoms by decreasing hyperactivity and increase focus as well as to assist with decreasing anxiety. Lavendar can also be useful at night to help relax the body and promote healthy sleep. An additional perk, you can place a couple drops on a wool dryer ball and use as a non-toxic fabric softener.

  • Frankincense

    Frankincense is an oil made for kings and I am beyond thankful that my family is also able to use this precious oil. This oil fights inflammation, boosts healthy cell growth and is also the best anti-aging product I have used for my face.

  • Lemon

    Lemon is an amazing cleaner and detox oil. We place 1-2 drops in our water bottle which can help assist with body detoxification. We also utilize lemon essential oil for household cleaning and to help purify the air with a difusser.

  • Wild Orange

    Wild Orange brings back amazing memories. It reminds me of the orange groves throughout California as a child. My family utilizes this oil in several ways. Wild Orange can assist with boosting mood, decreasing anxiety and depression. Place a couple drops in a diffuser and utilize as a non-toxic air freshener. You can also roll Wild Orange onto your skin and use as a non-toxic perfume.

  • Madagascar Vanilla

    Madagascar Vanilla is an amazing non-toxic perfume. Beautiful and calming smell. We also place a couple drops of Madagascar Vanilla in a diffuser to provide a non-toxic air freshener.


Improve Your Health

  • Thera360 Infrared Sauna

    Personal and portable Infrared Sauna with amazing health benefits.

    Detoxification, Decrease Inflammation, Increase Circulation, Relieve Pain, Burn Calories, Sleep Better, Immune Enhancement & Promotes Overall Health & Wellness, Mitochondria Support, Enhance Energy with Anti-Aging Benefits and so much more.

  • Inflammation Test

    Does your body hurt? Are you having more digestive issues, concentration struggles, or just feeling as if something doesn’t feel right? Inflammation is a huge culprit within our society today and causing havoc in our bodies. This test will assist with identifying your levels of inflammation so that you can learn how to begin decreasing and feeling better.

  • Sleep & Stress Lab

    Curious why your not sleeping well or how stress is affecting your body? This is a perfect lab that you can complete at home in order to bring understanding to you, sleep and stress.


Jody Lynn Day is an affiliate of companies and products on this site and does receive a compensation when ordered. These products have all been tried by

Jody Lynn Day and ones that she stands by.